1988 Collegiate Academy of Arts and Sciences Citation of Excellence for Experimental Video Production. --- Production "The Anti-Video" --- Role Producer/Director[1]
1989 Collegiate Academy of Arts and Sciences Citation of Excellence for Experimental Video Production. --- Production "The Computer Analyst" --- Role Producer/Director [2]
1989 Peabody: Gary Rosenthal
Client MTV Networks
Show “Decade”
Role Segment Editor
1992 Peabody: Gary Rosenthal
Client MTV Networks
Project “Choose or Lose.” (PSA Campaign)
Role On-Line Editor
1996 INDIA CATALINA CARTAGENA film festival award for best documentary --- Client World Bank Production “With Hope and Dignity”--- : Gary RosenthalRole On-Line Edit and Animation/Graphics
1998 Superior Civilian Service: Department of the Army: Gary Rosenthal This was for my involvement in developing the AVID Program for the secure use of AVID video editing systems. The program was developed and implemented at the Pentagon with trainees spreading out to train personnel at other national and international locations.
2002 Distinguished Civilian Service: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff : Gary Rosenthal
2002 Civilian Support Global War on Terrorism: Department of Defense: Gary Rosenthal
2005 APEX Award --- Client The Degge Group/LeapFrog Solutions --- Project “Conquering Cancer Network” ---
Gary Rosenthal / Mitch Duckworth Role Audio and Video Producer/Director [3]
2005 Superior Civilian Service Defense Logistic Agency : Gary Rosenthal
2007 Telly Award: Gary Rosenthal
Client Network Productions
Production “The State Theatre”
Role On-Line Edit and Music Score
2008 CLIO : Gary Rosenthal
Client BBDO/AT&T
Project “Bouquet”
Role Web/Kiosk Distribution
International Film & TV Festival of New York - Silver Award
“Small Business Keeps America Working” Coe Communications - Mitch Duckworth
Council on International Nontheatrical Events - CINE Golden Eagle Award
“Small Business Keeps America Working” Coe Communications - Mitch Duckworth
1988 Congressional Lobbyist for pro digital-to-digital DAT legislation.
1989 - 1990 College level lecturers on HDTV
1990 - 2007 College level lecturers on interactive video.
1991 - 1994 Motivational speaker for learning disabled High School students
1992 - Present College level lectures on Desktop Video Production
1993 - Present College level lectures on Non-liner Video Editing
1993 Lecture at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing to clinical nurses on using computer, and video technology as a research tool.
1994 Lecture to Clinical Research Coordinators at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology on using computer, and video technology as a research tool.
1995 Speaker to The Washington Metropolitan area chapter of ITVA on “Profiting with Low Ball Bids” (a new approach to budgeting video production.)
1995 Speaker to The Virginia Multi- Media Users Group on licensing and copyright issues for Kiosk and CD ROM production.
1996 Lecture to Clinical Research Coordinators at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology on using Data Base technology as a research-tracking tool.
1998 - 1999 Development of curriculum for training physicians to use the Internet as a research tool for the annual meeting of the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology.
1999 to 2006 Board Member for the Education committee of the Montgomery County Chamber Workforce Corporation.
2001 - 2002 Technical video consultant to FEMA for World Trade Center September 11th footage.
2001 - 2005 Technical video consultant to The US Department of State on Streaming of terrorist footage.
2009 Panel speaker at Joint Civilian Orientation Conference on policy discussions for civilian media coverage of Military situations.