Chip Matthew's 20th Century Animation Reel
3D animation has been around only since the late 1980's, coming into prominence in the early 1990's when desktop computing and affordable software made it practical and accessible for small studios. The early days for O-Zone began in 1992 with our first client contract to produce 3D animation. We've been working ever since, continually learning, acquiring progressively better hardware, running ever improving software, and expanding our capabilities to this day. Compared to the work we’re producing in 2012, some of the good old days may not look so good. Not that it’s bad, just dated. Screen some of your old stuff, and you’ll know what we mean. That said, although formats change, resolutions increase, and monitors improve, we can still appreciate work that was good in the old days. We think of it as classic. Here’s a selection of clips from our first decade in computer animation.