FEMA HAZUS Enrollment Campaign
Ironically, when this project arrived, IT was a disaster! Well, it was no Katrina, but metaphorically, this video was on life support. FEMA retained O-Zone to revise and realign the project to better meet the goal of encouraging targeted local and state government agencies to use the new HAZUS software system to better coordinate relief activities across responsible governing authorities.
As it came in our door, the video was a good solid production that suffered mostly because of its length, and conflicting messages. From an audience perspective, it was poorly conceived. Most importantly, what the audience was supposed to do with the information presented was unclear. We helped streamline the content, reedited and remastered the video, and then partnered with FEMA to arouse market awareness and implement video distribution. Using a series of targeted email messages with embedded video, we crafted a successful campaign that stimulated web traffic, created demand for the video and improved multi-agency registration and use of the HAZUS software system in their response to a public emergency.