Hydropac Clean Ads
In contrast to other Hydropac® campaigns, for this one we combined simple images over a clean white background with direct bold headlines and copy oriented to green, resource-savings, cost-savings messages, often using compare and contrast data to illustrate our points.
Presenting the CF bulb as a bright idea, we posited the Hydropac® system as a brilliant and practical solution; a less expensive, and green alternative, vastly superior to the water bottle status quo by every standard of measurement.
Time is money in research, too. In a subsequent two-page ad that spread across the gutter, we tallied a list of activities observed through an independent time and motion study, and demonstrated that changing water bottles weekly takes over 6.5 times longer compared to changing a Hydropac® pouch every two weeks.
This series was well received and generated interest and stimulated new sales within a tough marketplace notoriously resistant to fundamental change.